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preprocess parallel

This file contains a wrapped preprocessing function that detrends, removes seasonal cycle, and executes a rolling average

Note on running:

  • There is also a normalization function
  • To run this script you will need ensure xarray is installed


Remember to change file paths to where your data is stored

    #Created by Keighan Gemmell (
    #This file contains a wrapped preprocessing function that detrends, removes seasonal cycle, and executes a rolling average
    #There is also a normalization function 
    #To run this script you will need ensure xarray is installed
    #Change file paths to where your data is stored 

    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    import s3fs
    import geocat.comp
    import time
    import pandas as pd
    import json
    import os
    import sys
    import pyximport
    sys.path.insert(0,'') #fill in path here

    ### Set of functions for executing preprocessing of CMIP6 data
    ### This code used an old AWS S3 storage system to access CMIP6 data, you will need to add the lines to pull data from wherever you store it

    df = pd.read_csv("") #name of file here

    proc = 40

    def getData(query:dict):
        Load CMIP6 data into xarray dataframe
        query (dict or str) - dict or str with data information
                            - if dict format as {'param':'value','param2':['val1','val2']}
        # Create query string for pandas.DataFrame.query
        if type(query) is dict:
            inputStr = " & ".join(["{0}=='{1}'".format(param, query[param]) for param in query])
        elif type(query) is str: # if its already a string, pass through

        # Searches cmip6 data csv for datasets that match given parameters
        df_subset = df.query(inputStr)
        if df_subset.empty:
            print('data not available for '+inputStr)
            # load data
            for v in df_subset.zstore.values:
                zstore = v
                mapper = fs.get_mapper(zstore)
                ### !!!! Note decode times is false so we can use integer time values !!!!
                ### open_zarr, so datasets are not loaded yet
                return_ds = xr.open_zarr(mapper, consolidated=True,decode_times=False)

    def removeSC(x:np.ndarray):
        Removes seasonal cycle from monthly data
        x (np.ndarray) - 3D (time,lat,lon) numpy array
        nt,nx,ny = x.shape # get array dimensions
        nyears = nt//12
        # get month means
        monmean = np.mean(x.reshape(nyears,12,nx,ny),axis=0)
        for m in range(12): #for each month
            x[m::12] = x[m::12] - monmean[m]
        return x

    def detrend(x:np.ndarray,time:np.ndarray):
        remove degree three polynomial fit
        x (np.ndarray) : 3D (time, lat, lon) numpy array
        time (np.ndarray) : 1D (time) array 
        nt,nx,ny = x.shape
        xtemp = x.reshape(nt,nx*ny)
        p = np.polyfit(time, xtemp, deg=3)
        fit = p[0]*(time[:,np.newaxis] **3)+ p[1]*(time[:,np.newaxis]**2) + p[2]*(time[:,np.newaxis]) + p[3]
        return x - fit.reshape(nt,nx,ny)

    def preprocess(data:np.ndarray, tdata:np.ndarray, window:int = 31,proc:int = 40):
        Executes the three steps of the preprocessing (deseasonalize, detrend, normalize)
        data (np.ndarray) : data to process
        t (np.ndarray) : time values
        window (integer) : years for the rolling average
        proc (int) : number of processes for multiprocessing

        ### remove seasonal cycle
        t1 = time.time()
        deseas = removeSC(data)
        t2 = time.time()
        print('Time : ', t2-t1)

        ### remove cubic fit
        detre = detrend(deseas,tdata)
        t3 = time.time()
        print('Time : ',t3-t2)

        x = detre

        ## function for normalizing - written for passing to multiprocessing
        global normalize
        def normalize(t):
            Calculate anomaly and normalize (repeat boundary values) for monthly data
            averages across years (12 time step skips)
            x (np.ndarray) - integer values
            t (integer) - time
            window (integer) - years in the averaging window must be odd for now
            assert window%2 == 1
            tmax = x.shape[0]
            halfwindow = window//2
            yr = t//12
            mon = t%12
            selx = np.zeros_like(x[:window])
            # get rolling window (backfills/forward fills with first/last value)
            if t-halfwindow*12 < 0:
                selx[:halfwindow - yr] = x[mon]
                selx[halfwindow-yr:] = x[mon:t+halfwindow*12+1:12]
            elif t+halfwindow*12+1 > tmax:
                selx[halfwindow + (tmax//12 - yr):] = x[tmax- 12 + mon]
                selx[:halfwindow + (tmax//12 - yr)] = x[t - halfwindow*12::12]
                selx = x[t-halfwindow*12:t+halfwindow*12+1:12]
            # calculate normalized
            normed = (x[t] - np.mean(selx,axis=0))/np.std(selx,axis=0)
            return normed
        ### run normalization
        ntime = x.shape[0]

        # parallelize normalizing across time (trivially parallel)
        with Pool(processes=proc) as pool: 
            outdata =, range(ntime))
        t4 = time.time()
        print('Time : ',t4-t3)
        return np.array(outdata,dtype=np.float32)

    def run_preprocess(experiment:str, modelName:str, member:str, variables_in:list,
                variables_out:list, attribute_path:str = 'variable_defs.json',
                out_path:str = None,lf_query:str = None,
        Wrapper function that executes the preprocessing pipeline
        experiment (str) : experiment name (experiment_id)
        modelName (str) : model name (source_id)
        member (str) : ensemble member code (member_id) r*i*p*f*
        variables_in (list) : list of variables to grab from CMIP6 archive
        variables_out (list) : list of variables to calculate and output
        attribute_path (str) : path to a json file with variable descriptions.
            Note if you request a variable in variables_out that is not a CMOR variable, it must
            be defined in the attribute .json
        out_path (str) : file name for output
        lf_query (str) : query string to pass to pandas.DataFram.query  recommended to pass this,
            otherwise the script is likely to fail due to not finding sftlf variable
            set to False to skip adding the landfraction, set to None to attempt to find land fraction
            for the selected experiment and ensemble member
        append (str) : append variables_out to an existing netcdf file
        frequency (str) : CMIP table to get data from (e.g. Amon, Omon, Aday - table_id). 
        # Default out_path
        if out_path is None: 
            out_path = ''.format(modelName, member, experiment)

        print('Preprocessing for {0} {1} {2}'.format(modelName,experiment,member))

        # if we are appending to an existing netcdf
        # load the dataset and determine the existing variables
        if append:
            if os.path.isfile(out_path):
                existing = xr.open_dataset(out_path)
                existing_variables = list(existing.variables)
                del existing
                print('append = True, but no existing file. Setting to append = False')
                append = False

        ## Load in data (could make faster with open_mfdataset?)
        dict_query = {'source_id':modelName, 'table_id':frequency, 'experiment_id':experiment, 'member_id':member}
        data = {}
        for var in variables_in:
            dict_query['variable_id'] = var
            data[var] = getData(dict_query)

        # Load land fraction data
        if lf_query is None:
            # if query isn't provided, attempt to load from current experiment
            lf_query  = "source_id=='{0}' & table_id=='fx' & experiment_id=='{1}' &  member_id=='{2}' & variable_id=='sftlf'".format(modelName,experiment,member)
        elif lf_query: # set lf_query=False to skip
            data['sftlf'] = getData(lf_query) ## land area fraction as %

        # Attributes for derived variables
        d_attr = json.load(open(attribute_path))

        processed = {} # preprocessed data
        orig = {} # raw data
        for var in variables_out:
            if append and var in existing_variables:
                # skip existing variables if in append mode
                print('{0} already exists, skipping'.format(var))
            if var in variables_in: 
                # If taking variable directly from CMIP
                signs = [1]
                variables = [var]
                attributes = {'long_name': data[var][var].long_name, 'units':data[var][var].units}
            elif var in d_attr: 
                # If calculating a variable from CMIP variables
                signs = d_attr[var]['signs']
                attributes = d_attr[var]
                variables = d_attr[var]['variables']
            else: # Something's wrong (missing variable or definition)
                print('missing variable definition in {0}'.format(attribute_path))
            if 'integral' in attributes:
                # if we are integrating a 3D variable
                processed[var], orig[var] = calc_var_integral(data,variables[0],var,attributes = attributes)
                processed[var], orig[var] = calc_var(data, variables, signs, var,attributes = attributes)

        # Cast the fixed land fraction data into a time series
        if lf_query: # set lf_query=False to skip
            # tile in time
            sftlfOut, b2 = xr.broadcast(data['sftlf'].sftlf, data[variables_in[0]][variables_in[0]], exclude=('lat','lon'))
            sftlfOut=sftlfOut.where(sftlfOut==0,1) ### data has values as 0 for ocean or 100 for land sa making 100 as 1
            lsMask = xr.DataArray(name='lsMask', data=sftlfOut.load(), attrs={'long_name':'land_sea_mask', 'Description':'land fraction of each grid cell 0 for ocean and 1 for land'}, 
                                coords={'time': data[variables_in[0]].time,'lat': data['sftlf'].lat,'lon': data['sftlf'].lon})

        # change time to original values (time values get altered in calc_var)
        for var in variables_out:
            processed[var]['time'] = data[variables_in[0]].time
            orig[var]['time'] = data[variables_in[0]].time

        # Save one DataArray as dataset
        var = variables_out[0]
        output_ds = processed[var].to_dataset(name = var+'_pre')
        output_ds[var] = orig[var]
        for var in variables_out[1:]:
            # Add next DataArray to existing dataset (ds)
            output_ds[var+'_pre'] = processed[var]
            output_ds[var] = orig[var]
        # add the landfraction query
        if lf_query:
            output_ds['lsMask'] = lsMask
        print('Write to file')
        if append: